Scars Never Let us Forget Walking through your grief does not mean you forget. In John Chapter 5 we read Jesus asked the lame man at the Bethesda waters if he wanted to be healed. Here we have a man who after possibly decades of being lame dealing with loss, grief and shame was asked by a total stranger if he wanted to be healed. What you may noticed he never really answered Jesus, he sorta skirted around the question. I do not know if it was because of fear, disbelief or reluctance that caused him to avoid answering. Like the lame man at the pool, most people we know are going through their own personal grief, loss, defeat. With grief some people may not want to be healed because of what they feel they may have to give up. We may feel that our loss is so great that if we let go of the hurt and pain we will let go of any connection we had with that person. Healing means forgetting. Just like Jesus asked the lame man if he ...
One of the reasons we need to understand and educate ourselves in the basics when it comes to health, fitness and nutrition. So we can recall information when it is not available. We are so use to have 24 hour, instant information at our finger tips. It’s an awesome tools when it is available. The government shutdown touches every aspect of our lives. So what are the basics? *Get up and move daily. *Get the heart pumping and the breathing faster. *Drink water. * Eat fruits and veggies * Eat lean meats * Laugh and don’t forget to breath!
Even if you don't believe in scripture you cannot deny this and how it applies to life...."forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. 14 So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize..." You can't continue to look back and live in the past if you want to move forward towards your goal. Keep moving forward. Use your experience as a guide not something that you continue to squat in. You don't live there anymore. You are in the present trying to move to better and greater things. Be blessed! #heb12v1 #imcoz2017 #coachk #3n1coach #trainHard #m4w
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