
Showing posts from March, 2013

Rest and shut it down

I am really big in cautioning others that I train about resting but I am bad about resting myself. Rest is paramount to healing and getting stronger. So this week I am taking my own advice I am resting from running. It's hard because unrealistic fear starts to mess with your head. You start to think if I stop i have to start over. I will lose my stamina. That is when you then say brain SHUD it because if I don't rest all of that will happen. So give you body some love and give it a break from the routine. Believe me you will see a difference! Coach Keisha Run smart, run safe but run it dirty!!!

The 1st Time was in Little Rock

I have ran and paced multiple half marathons but there is NOTHING compared to running a full. For me it was a true test of humbleness. I always race alone, well me and The Lord. There were times during this race I cried, I cussed, I prayed, I screamed, I lost focus and I wanted to just STOP because my hip was burning and I was tired because I had just gotten over a stomach virus on Sat! It was during those times the word not ME but THEE struck my heart. It's times like this where if you saw me during the race at some points my arms were stretched out to the Father! Towards the end The Lord said dig deep I am carrying you!! You spoke my words from Isaiah and Hebrews now MOVE! Woolawd!! The pain never left my hip but I was able to keep moving. It was like Paul speaking in the torn in his side!! Be blessed all!!

Make 1Day a Raw Day!

I am starting something new. I currently have meatless Monday but I want to add another themed food day. Make it RAW Tuesday!! RAW...yes raw! What is raw? In short eating raw is consuming uncooked nutrient dense living foods. Plants, sprouted beans, grains, fruits, veggies, raw nuts unprocessed while foods. An example of a raw breakfast can consist of fruit, granola, protein shakes with almond milk. Organic peanut butter on Ezekiel bread. Others foods you can eat guacamole, salas, pics de gallo, mango & a acorn chutney with raw veggies. Chickpeas on a bread of salad greens serves with lime juice and olive oil. Although Greek yogurt is not raw I would add it in for the nutritional factor. Look I will do raw but I'm not totally 100% raw. I think for me raw day should be at least 85% raw day. So lets try this together pick a day and make it Raw!!!!