More then just enough
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The sound of her playing the guitar gets me emotional and as I listen to her I noticed she started to really feel the music. I hold the phone to my ear and then I place it on my chest close to my heart. I start to think about everything that has happened tonight. Emotion overcomes me. Nothing is promised and nothing is guaranteed. Life can be taken in a blink of an eye.
I start to think about losing my home. I start to think about losing my family. I start to think about how people are concerned and upset over the wrong things. I start to think about how shallow, unconcerned and materialist some people have become and then I start thinking about me. I go from pointing out what the world is NOT doing and start to think about me. What I was or was not doing. My mind and heart shifted and I think that was Gods way of telling me I was off track.
I begin to ask myself have I done enough or do I do enough just to get by. When I look at others and I start to question them do I need to question myself. Man so much is going through my head and it becomes over whelming. Do I do just enough to get by? Do I do just enough to quench the thirst? Do I do just enough to satisfy the bare minimum? Do I do just enough to get by and to say I did my part?
Man...I really started to evaluate my actions and my just enough attitude. I am very guilty of doing just enough. Tonight was a perfect example of just that. When the storms were coming through and the sirens were going off I started to gather things around the house that we could use just in case the lights went out. I had the bare very bare necessities, I had just enough but I did not have enough if we had to be without for a few days. If I would translate that to other areas of my life, I had enough material to quench the thirst but not enough to satisfy a hunger.
So here I am up at 4:30 in the morning trying to figure out if my just enough attitude has prevented me from being the very best I could be. Has my just enough attitude trickled down to areas of my life where I know I need to push it. My prayer life, I am doing just enough. Just enough to get by, just enough to console my spirit and to say I have done what I need to do. I had my " little talk with Jesus to make it right". Hummmm, have a little talk with Jesus, no I need to have a big talk with Jesus. We serve a BIG God so my conversations need to be BIG sometimes.
In my family life, I need to do more then just enough. In my Tri-life, I need to do more then just enough. In my work life I need to do more than just enough. I need to push the envelope. I need to step outside of what is comfortable and what is just enough. I need to feel uncomfortable and do what I know I am being led to do.
Our God wants us to do more than just enough. He wants to to do more then tote the line. He is an awesome God that can do great things through us IF we do more than just enough. Imagine what can be done if we do more then just enough. If we do more then just satisfy the thirst, we can satisfy the hunger!
Tonight has me really evaluating things and goals in my life. It's is time for me to do more then Just enough. It is time for me to step out on this calling God has for me. It is time for me to put the ideas that has been placed on my heart to action and to move4word. It's time for me to prepare myself and my family to do great things. Will I get everything right, no I won't and I know I will fall back in some areas and do just enough but that is OK as long as it does not take over and I only do just enough.
I think I'm going to go to sleep now. I have done more the. Just enough tonight. Heck this is the most I have done with my blog in a long time.
My prayer tonight is that I, we do more then just enough.
You have giving us a brain to think and a body to move.
You have given us more then just enough and we should do more then just enough.
Lord continue to speak to our hearts and let us know when we need to step outside the box to do more than just enough.
We serve an awesome God and we are created to do awesome things. Thank you Lord for the power to step out and do more than just enough.
In Jesus name....
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