Rock and Roll Dallas 2016

My recap Rock and Roll Dallas... COLD, WINDY, over the highway and through the hood up the hill we go! This was a last minute sign up for me so I did not take the time to review the race course little did I know they changed the route from last year. This was the first race I actually worked the expo, it was okay. I did not see Luke's locker there and it did not seem to be as large as the ones in the past. Which in my opinion is cool, I have done enough races where I just need to pick up my bib, take a couple of pics and go. Did I mention it was cold and windy! Why on race day winter decides to show its glory! My friend stopped me while i was doing a pre-race jog to take a pic. You see the smile on my face is like Bruh hurry up its cold! I think I finally warmed up about mile 2 and I was able to discard my shirt but I kept my gloves. I loved the cross winds coming back across the bridge to the finish line, I swear I had to go aero ...