Why do I do it?

Exercise should be a fundamental part of your life as breathing. Not so you can get skinny, get "fine" or to impress others but to live and live healthy. Everything else is just a benefit No matter how you get your exercise on just do it. I choose to run and I am in love with running. When I am out on the pavement in the open I am free to just go. No enclosures, no noise but I music, no kids yelling or no boss hounding me just me and the road. I never thought I could go the distance because when I started it was yes hell at times. Sometimes I just wanted to say "the hell with it, this ish hurts" but I never stopped. I may had slowed down a bit but I never stopped. Competing in my first half marathon had showed me a lot. No matter how hard I trained it is nothing like the actual race. I faced more hills and dips and turns in the race then any training run. Yes, it hurt and my legs were heavy, my feet were blister and ...